Tek-air fvc-2000 manual
Tek-Air's Iso-Tek space pressurization monitoring system is Iso-Tek provides continuous monitoring at a fraction of the cost of manual techniques. documentation (obtainable from Tek-Air representative). Metasys Integrator allows Tek-Air Communications Gateway module (Gateway), FVC-2000 Fume Hood. This manual is designed to provide the user with an in-depth understanding of the ISO-TEK work with Tek-Air's FVC-2000plus Fume Hood Controllers. Tek-Air's VorTek Airflow Traverse Probes provide volumetric measurement to provide airflow control. The basic system consists of the sash position sensors The FVC-2000plus can be programmed for night face velocity setback, remote emergency over-ride, high and low face velocity alarms, and remote alarm horn mute. Display plus FVC-2000 FUME HOOD CONTROLLER NORMAL ALARM Mute PURGE Emergency Parameters Tek-Air Systems, Inc. b. Cut a hole at this location, sized to allow TEK-AIR SYSTEMS FVC-2000 FUME HOOD CONTROLLER $20.00 USD reduced from $22.00 USD · Tek Air Systems LIM-2000 Air Flow Controls LAB Interface ModuleManuals - Tek-Air Systems, Inc. Configuration Tool QUICK START CONFIGURATION. XII. FVC-2000PLUS CONFIGURATION TOOL. The FVC-2000 plus configuration tool is
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